The waiter that serves Bean's Foreign Queasine is one of the people Bean and Stepan accidentally call later on.In fact, the scene is part of the video footage that Bean plays in lieu of Carson Clay's film. In a 'blink and you'll miss it' moment, Sabine is filmed giving change to an accordion player in la Gare du Nord, right at the beginning. Chekhov's Gun: The footage Bean keeps filming throughout the movie.

All of which proceed to greet him by slapping him across the face as well. And then he introduces Bean to the musicians that he hitchhiked a ride with. Later in the film the duo gets separated and when Stephan finds him again in the cafeteria he greets him by happily slapping him across the face again.
Bean character was heavily influenced by French comedy character Monsieur Hulot since his conception, and this movie is a loose remake of the film where Hulot debuted. This trope is also applicable in a more roundabout, meta-oriented way: the Mr."La Mer" plays at the beginning and the end.Bilingual Bonus: Plenty throughout the film for speakers of French, and a fair bit of Russian as well.Spoofed in the trailer where the deep-voiced narrator informs us that the movie is about "one man's journey.to the beach." But just to get there, he has to get through a one hell of Road Trip Plot. The plot's goal is much more mundane than the previous movie since Bean just wants to go to the beach.