Its definitely a Hell, and I waas more than let. Maps have been modelled on real-life reconnaissance image and satellite data, and players can engage in 50 vs 50 battles using multiple roles, including Officer, Scout, Machine Gunner, Medic, Engineer, Tank Commander and more. 33 Dislike Share TheTofuSamurai 165 subscribers Hell Let Loose is brand new to consoles, so I figured I would give it the ol reviewsky. Good Immersive large scale warfare When a team communicates Hell Let Loose is great Every role has a. Too much downtime Some movements feel overly sluggish The maps feel empty. with lumbering tanks dominating the battlefield, crucial supply chai. Hell Let Loose is a game about teamwork and without it the chaos of war will overwhelm a player.
Set during the Second World War, Hell Let Loose is a first-person shooter that is marketed as a realistic experience, featuring infantry, tanks, and artillery slugging it out on a dynamically shifting battlefield. Metacritic Game Reviews, Hell Let Loose for Xbox Series X, Youve never played World War 2 the way it was meant to be played.